Let us Fight for your Rights!
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
Allan Pullin is the founder and managing attorney of Pullin & Associates LLP. Mr. Pullin has been practicing law for 49 years exclusively in Long Island and the five boroughs of New York. Since the pandemic started Pullin & Associates has saved local homeowners more then 250 million dollars in debt, ending foreclosure through foreclosure defense, loan modifications, short sales and bankruptcy when necessary.
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.

Foreclosure Defense
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
Just because a bank (mortgagee) has a mortgage on a property it doesn’t mean they own it. It also doesn’t give them blanket authority to foreclose and repossess a property, even if a borrower has defaulted. To foreclose on a property the bank must establish they have the legal authority to so and then must meet specific requirements and timelines required by law. Our firm will review your foreclosure action and develop a specific strategy to defend it based on your legal options. It’s not uncommon to find procedural and other errors
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.
Loan Modification
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
For homeowners who are already in foreclosure, most often a loan modification is the best option. Even if you have been denied before or if you defaulted on a previous loan modification you may be approved. To get the best possible outcome it is important to begin negotiations with your mortgage servicer as soon as possible. There are many “pandemic era” options now available that were not before. If you are behind on your monthly mortgage payments and already in foreclosure, our experienced team is ready to fight for you and negotiate the best terms to help you end foreclosure.
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.
Short Sale
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
A Short Sale is for homeowners who want to sell their property but owe more than the property is worth. A short sale is considered the most valuable alternative to foreclosure for homeowners in danger of losing their homes. Homeowners do not have a foreclosure appear on their credit report, are not subject to a public auction, avoid eviction, move substantially on their own terms and walkaway owing nothing. If you are behind on your monthly mortgage payments and owe more than your property is worth, our experienced team is ready to fight for you and negotiate the best terms to help you end foreclosure and get a fresh start.
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
Mortgage servicers are not required to accept a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. Title encumbrances, including a second mortgage, judgements or other liens can prevent a successful deed in lieu transaction for a mortgage servicer. If you want to surrender ownership of your property to avoid foreclosure, it is important to begin negotiations with your mortgage servicer as soon as possible.
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
When faced with financial distress, bankruptcy can often help, especially if you own a home that has been scheduled for auction. Bankruptcy discharges your legal obligation to pay most of your debt and provides you with the ability to start over. The debt may include your mortgage, credit card bills, personal loans and medical bills. However, there are certain types of debt that cannot be discharged and there are different bankruptcy chapters. Having an experienced bankruptcy legal team is critical when contemplating filing. Let us help you.
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.
End Foreclosure and Start Living Again!
If you’ve inherited a property in New York, put our trusted legal team to work for you. Our experience help’s cut through the bureaucracy and the time-consuming court process. In some cases, you may qualify to eliminate costly, Surrogates Court so a property can be sold quickly.
Let us help you. Call 631-517-0090 or click here to email us. Contact Us for a free consultation.